Logo Mister-auto Pro


Legal notice

Company name: Mister Auto
Registered office: 19 Rue Alfred de Musset, 69100 Villeurbanne, France
Telephone: 0753-252996 (1,00€/min + pvm)
Simplified limited company with capital of EUR 4,374,600
Trade and Companies Register Lyon No: 508 332 244
APE code: 4532Z
Intra-Community VAT No: FI-2428021-1
Publication director: Jean-Michel Booh-Begue
Contact: asiakaspalvelu@mister-auto.fi
Design: Mister Auto
Host: Google
Registered office: Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland
Telephone: +35314361000

Information contained on the site

Unless there is a provision to the contrary, the presentation of products and services on this web site does not constitute a sale offer but a general statement of the range of products and services we distribute in the country in which the web site is able to deliver.

The hypertext links present on this web site to a third party web site will not in any way incur the liability of Mister Auto.

Mister Auto has no control or authority over the content of any third party web site, and the User accesses it on their own liability.

Mister Auto will in no case be liable for the content or the products or services offered on any third party web site.

Intellectual property

All of the elements appearing on the web site www.mister-auto.fi are protected by the French legislation on copyrights and brands.

All of the elements of the web site, drawings, graphics, charts, icons, texts, applications, scripts and functionalities as well as their selection or combination appearing on the web site www.mister-auto.fi are the exclusive property of Mister Auto. The brands and logos appearing on the web site are the exclusive property of the commercial partners with the exception of the brands Bolk, Mister Auto and B Pro which are the exclusive property of Mister Auto.

Access to the web site will not result in any transfer of the aforementioned rights. However, the rights to use the web site are only transferred in digital form for the purposes of displaying the pages consulted, on a personal, non-transferable and non-exclusive basis.

The User is prohibited from copying, reproducing, modifying, distributing, posting or selling any element of the web site or that relating to it and for any purpose including on a commercial basis, by whatsoever process or in whatsoever form that may be, whether wholly or in partially, without the prior written authorisation of Mister Auto.

In the case of illegal or unauthorised use of the web site, Mister Auto reserves the right to take any appropriate measure that it deems necessary and, as the case may be, to commence any appropriate legal action and/or notify the offence to the judicial and police authorities.

Modifications to the web site and the conditions of use

Mister Auto SAS may modify the content and information included on this web site as well as the present Conditions of Use, particularly in order to comply with any new legislation and/or regulation applicable and/or in order to improve the web site. Any alteration will be included in the present Conditions of Use.
